11 October, 2008

Rempel's Reflections April 2008

Greetings friends and family,

First of all we would like to thank many of you who have been praying and supporting us during our time here.

As an item of praise, after we sent out our last prayer letter our support is now at 96%, so thank-you to all who have partnered with us, we now have just 4% to go!

Oh, Deer!!

Thank you also for praying for us. The other weekend we were going on a drive to a nearby town when we saw 3 deer on the side of the road. Two of them jumped across the road before we got up to them while the 3rd stayed on the side of the road where is was until we were right beside it. Just at the last second it too decided to jump to join it’s friends. Having no time to stop to our amazement we saw it jump above the car with its hoofs at our eye level. Needless to say its hoofs hit our windshield just in front of Tracey. Other than the windshield getting a crack and the deer getting a good shake-up we are all fine

Rick- Thanks also for praying for me as I have now finished with the first set of exams. These exams covered the first 2 of 3 sections for this course being the General and Airframe. On the 3rd of April I did the oral and practical exams which took about 8 hours to complete. Then on the 16th and 18th I took the written government exams. It has been a big relief to be done with them and Tracey is happy to have them done with also. Since passing these exams I now have my airframe license.

Now that these are done, we are on to the Powerplant section of the course which will include the piston and turbine engine and the propeller along with their accessories. We are currently working in teams to rebuild an engine similar to the ones that Flying Mission has in their planes.

Tracey, being the organized one of us, she has already started packing. We need to start organizing our stuff for shipping back to Zambia. Please be in prayer in regards to these things.

She also had a good time of learning at the two grant writing courses that she attended since we last wrote. Trace has been using these skills already at Rick’s school and possibly when we return to Zambia for Flying Mission too.

Trace has taken on helping some of the other wives out with various sewing projects. One of them is expecting their first child any day now, and we had fun making curtains, bumpers and a bed skirt for the nursery.

Our Up-Coming Return to Zambia

Our tickets are booked for the 16th of September to arrive back in Zambia in the 18th of September. Praise the Lord!! Please pray for us as we prepare for our return. There is much that needs to be done in regards to shipping our household stuff and aircraft tools back to Zambia. Flying Mission Zambia is thinking of shipping a container from the USA to Zambia, but we are still unsure at this time.

Please continue to be in prayer with us and the Flying Mission Zambia (FMZ) leadership to know where to place us, either in Mukinge and Macha

On a more personal note ….

We are going through some infertinily issues at the moment. We are seeing some specialists and will be having to make some decissions in the future. Therefore, we would appreciate if you would uphold us in your prayers at this time of our lives. (Rom 12:15.)

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray with us and FMZ leadership as we pray about and discuss our placement in Zambia.
  • Please be in prayer about shipping our stuff back to Zambia as we are still looking into the possibilities.

Praise Items

  • Praise God that Rick is going well in his course and that we have only 3 months to go
  • The grant writing courses that Trace took went well
  • Trace has been able to help out at the school 1-2 days a week
  • We are thankful for those who have been supporting us so faithfully and that our support is at 96%!!
  • Praise also that no one was hurt in the car/deer incident